Ok, here s something different for the weekend. Everyone knows about the Cadillac Ranch, The crazy dream of Stanley Marsh 3rd. If you happen to make your way in the other direction on I-40 heading towards Shamrock, you ll find another less famous but just as interesting display of Art if you want to call it that in the form of the Bug Ranch.
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The Cadillac Ranch s smaller German cousin.
Michael J. Rivera, Townsquare Media
The Bug Ranch is the creation of the Crutchfield Family who owned the Rattlesnake Ranch and Longhorn Trading Post in Conway Texas back in 2002. The premise was simple, They needed a roadside attraction that would draw folks away from the brand new truck stop built on the opposite side of I-40. The Bugs were put up as a parody and homage to the more famous Cadillacs 35 miles to the west and were painted yellow initially with folks being able to stop and sign a bug. Naturally the attraction drew some curiosity and traffic. It wasn t eno