28/11/2023 - Cineuropa se fija en dos proyectos presentados en las dos jornadas de pitching, la italiana La casa bianca y Watch It Burn, del indonesio Makbul Mubarak
28/11/2023 - During the two days of pitching, Cineuropa turned its attention on two projects: La casa bianca from Italy, and Watch It Burn by Indonesian director Makbul Mubarak
30/11/2022 - The eight stories put forward by as many French and Italian director-producer teams were heavily involved in the pitching session where Les Héros Américains scooped the Scarab Award
30/11/2022 - The eight stories put forward by as many French and Italian director-producer teams were heavily involved in the pitching session where Les Héros Américains scooped the Scarab Award