The former Mungiki leader said he does not regret being in the religion, as that was a stage in his youth. He said people should not live regretting a stage.
Leaders say activities around former leader points to a reincarnation of the group. Maina Njenga, however, says it is all about Mt Kenya succession politics.
A Day of Favor: CBF field personnel in Uganda offers holistic ministry at Amani Sasa 18 December, 2020 - 03:30
By Melody HarrellMissy Ward-Angalla (left) is a CBF field personnel serving women, men and children in Kampala, Uganda, through Amani Sasa, which offers safety, wholeness and empowerment through various support programs for vulnerable and at-risk refugees.
It was supposed to be your average staff Christmas party. The Secret Santa gifts had all been doled out with much hilarity. Lucy patted the stalk of matoke beside her, smiling. Her Secret Santa had sent her on a treasure hunt. The clues led to the banana tree outside where the Secret Santa revealed herself, cutting the stalks of fruit down and carrying them into the party room. What a creative gift that would be put to good use come dinner time, when the cooking bananas would be made into a delicious mash for Lucy’s family!