She dropped it . You have got to be kidding me yeah, this is right this minute, right . No. Hold on. That was her, right . She bobbles it. Right into the water. That ring is gone. Maybe we at right this minute need to put together a psa about not having proposals anywhere near water. Weve seen people drop it into lakes, rivers, the ocean. Maybe theres an emergency shut off for the waterfall and they can get the water to stop rushing while they look. If you know the river well enough, there are areas where everything gathers. Obviously, theres a chance theyll find it. I love your optimism, but no, its gone. How dumb do you feel if youre her right now . Well, all is not lost. Youll be happy to know insurance . That was the band that fell down into the water and not the ring. Oh, so she still has the main ring. All is not lost. Theyre getting married, and she still has the main portion of the ring. All right. Whew, girl. Thanks for hanging with us today. Thanks for hanging with us today.