The iconic Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico is out of funding after a devastating collapse three years ago. Plus, what Russia’s Moon mission means for science and a useful database of parental-leave policies in US and Canadian academia. The iconic Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico is out of funding after a devastating collapse three years ago. Plus, what Russia’s Moon mission means for science and a useful database of parental-leave policies in US and Canadian academia.
By scouring websites and pestering university human-resources departments, Amanda Gorton and Tess Grainger are tracking the vast differences in leave entitlements across North America. By scouring websites and pestering university human-resources departments, Amanda Gorton and Tess Grainger are tracking the vast differences in leave entitlements across North America.
Since 2019, just over a dozen inner-city families in the heart of Minneapolis have cared for small prairies full of native plants in the boulevard strips adjacent to their homes. The project is aimed at increasing urban biodiversity. It is called City Backyard Science and is funded by the University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment.