Mexico City faces unprecedented water cuts as drought depletes reservoirs, prompting Mexican authorities to impose strict rationing for over 20 million residents.
MEXICO CITY (AP) Mexican officials imposed severe, monthslong cuts to Mexico City s water supply at midnight Friday, acting just a month after initial restrictions were ordered as drought dries the capital s reservoirs.
Mexican officials imposed severe, months-long cuts to Mexico City's water supply at midnight Friday, acting just a month after initial restrictions were ordered as drought dries the capital's reservoirs. The Mexican National Water Commission and mayor announced the moves at a news conference, but officials did not report the cuts on social media until just four hours before they took effect. Abnormally low rain has dropped the Cutzamala system a network of three reservoirs serving over 20 mill
Mexican officials have imposed severe, monthslong cuts to Mexico City’s water supply just a month after initial restrictions were ordered as drought dries the capital’s reservoirs. Authorities announced the moves at a news conference Friday, but did not report the cuts on social media until just four hours before they took effect. Abnormally low rain has dried a network of three main reservoirs serving over 20 million residents in the Valley of Mexico. Officials began restricting water from that system by roughly 8% on Oct. 17. Friday’s cuts are much more drastic, representing a further 25% of the system’s total flow. Twelve boroughs, mostly in the west of the city, can expect lower water pressure until the restrictions lift.