The Carson City Board of Supervisors on Monday certified the results of the 2nd Congressional District special election in a brief special meeting.Clerk-Recorder Alan Glover told the board that jus.
I ve confirmed that ex-Gov. Jeb Bush will be in Henderson on June 27, 12 days after he makes his announcement (suspense that kills) on whether he is running for president. Bush, I m told, will be in Nevada after stops in the other three early states: Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. And his s.
At the core of the debate over the proper size and function of government in American society is the assumption that our government is big and growing. But is this true?In absolute terms, of course.
David Woolsey Phillips, 81, of Carson City, passed away at his home February 26, 2013. FitzHenry s Funeral Home is trusted with arrangements. 882-2644Copyright 2013 -. All rights reserved. This mat.