Greenberg Glusker intellectual property lawyer Elizabeth (Liz) Sbardellati joins cannabis practice colleagues Michelle Mabugat, Priya Sopori and Alexa Steinberg to chew over a landmark.
The Grass is Always Greenberg alters its format for a special two-part series covering the 2022 Cannalaw Summit: Weighing the Risks and Rewards of Celebrity Branding in the Cannabis.
In Part 2 of a two-part series, The Grass is Always Greenberg features another excerpt from the 2022 Cannalaw Summit: Weighing the Risks and Rewards of Celebrity Branding in the.
California has finally enacted a law, AB195, that provides tax relief for cannabis distributers. But what might seem at first glance to be a win for the cannabis industry potentially.
The Grass is Always Greenberg welcomes Greenberg Glusker Environmental Law Partner, Sedina Banks, to discuss changes to California’s Proposition 65, officially known as the Safe.