Middlesex Chamber s Recovery Employment Program can help local businesses
May 14, 2021
The Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce announced that since its inception in May 2019, the chamber’s Recovery Employment Program has made significant strides to put individuals who have suffered from opioid addictions, as well as other addictions back to work.Middlesex Chamber of Commerce / Contributed /
MIDDLETOWN The Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce announced that since its inception in May 2019, the chamber’s Recovery Employment Program has made significant strides to put individuals who have suffered from opioid addictions, as well as other addictions back to work.
Upon the creation of the program, the Chamber hired REP Outreach Coordinator, Charles Mitchell who serves as the liaison between the employer and employee, and Business Coordinator, Harry Burr who recruits businesses to participate. Both are working hard to put individuals back to work through th