The Columbus-Lowndes County Airport kicked off its weekend-long anniversary celebration. A "Youth Program" was held for kids from across the county Friday morning.
The game's next expansion goes live on December 8. (Photo : Grinding Gear Games/Photo taken from Twitter) Grinding Gear Games, the developer of the popular ARPG Path of Exile, has recently announced the game's next expansion, which is slated for release on December 8.
The game's next expansion goes live on December 8. (Photo : Grinding Gear Games/Photo taken from Twitter) Grinding Gear Games, the developer of the popular ARPG Path of Exile, has recently announced the game's next expansion, which is slated for release on December 8.
While crafting items in the game can be complicated, getting into it is actually quite easy. (Photo : Grinding Gear Games/Photo taken from Twitter) Have you seen those god-tier items in Path of Exile that are used by other players? If so, you're probably wondering how you can get a hold of such equipment yourself.
While crafting items in the game can be complicated, getting into it is actually quite easy. (Photo : Grinding Gear Games/Photo taken from Twitter) Have you seen those god-tier items in Path of Exile that are used by other players? If so, you're probably wondering how you can get a hold of such equipment yourself.