Captioning performed by vitac the second conversation is indicative of the way some black americans are dealing with post modernity, the election of a black president , immigration of millions of nonwhites and advent of a Global Economy has offered Many American born blacks alternative ways to selfidentify, many ways to be black. While they dont reject their blackness, they nevertheless are expressing the desire to not be sir couple described by a Group Definition of blackness. They understand their race as one of many variables that define them. Im going to talk a little bit to this morning about what i found at the 1990s mass marches, the million man and woman march, to demonstrate the similarities and differences between black modernity and post modernity. In doing so, i hope to begin to answer the question that was before us this morning, who is black america. So if we start with the early the early conversation, at the turn of the century, africanamericans understood that to be pa