In my last article I discussed the new Bill that the U.S. House of Representatives passed this week titled "The Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023", which had bipartisan support. As you can observe from the title of the Bill that now heads to the Senate, the language for this Bill was written last year, 2023, after the Hamas military attack in Israel, and pre-dates the current student protests over the war in Gaza that began a few weeks ago. In fact, the language for this Bill was drafted under President Donald Trump, written by his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and was then enacted as a Presidential Executive Order on December 11, 2019. The text for that executive order that criminalizes "antisemitism" had never been able to be passed as law in the U.S. Congress, because it basically renders the First Amendment as null and void, and so by Trump's own admission during the ceremony where he signed this EO, he stated that he just did it himself anyway, because as Pre
Our nation and indeed our world are being led by Godless adherents to foreign gods intent on doing the bidding of their gods, which is a dark and destructive place. We are and will further be deemed the enemy because our allegiance is to the true and supreme God. God is able to protect us, but we ca
I met Luke online in October of 2022, when he emailed me and told me his story of how he had been "a homeless schizophrenic drug addict in LA, multiple overdoses, multiple suicide attempts, and tied down by every vice one could possibly imagine" just 8 months before he emailed me, and that now "Through Christ, in a matter of 8 months, I am off all illicit drugs as well as all medications, holding a job, and living a thriving life I never thought possible." Like Abdulah, a young man who lives in a Muslim country whose story we recently published, Luke discovered that he could know Jesus without the hindrance of Christianity and the Corporate Church, by reading the Bible for himself and going directly to God. Luke explains how his downward spiral in life began when he was 8 years old and diagnosed with ADHD, and put on the drug Adderall. Luke is a Millennial, and not only did Jesus Christ rescue him from his drug addictions, but Luke explains how Jesus also gave him t
Today I am publishing the real life story of a man who lives in a Muslim country, was fooled into believing that COVID was real and therefore received two doses of the Pfizer COVID shots, was injured by those shots, and then began to go online searching for the truth. In his search he found many of the dissenting doctors who provided the other side of the COVID shots, and his research led him to Health Impact News, where I have continually published articles about the dangers of religions, ALL religions including Christianity, which led him to start studying the Bible, something he had never done before as a Muslim, having only been taught the Quran. He wanted to learn the truth about the historical person of Jesus Christ. Islam acknowledges the historical person of Jesus Christ, as well as the writings in the Bible, which predate Islam and the Quran. But their view of Jesus, who is referred to as "Isa" in Arabic and the Quran, are very different in the Quran from how Jesus i
As we now enter into the third day of the war in Israel, many in the Alternative Media who are not invested in the Zionist religion and are able to look at what has happened in the past couple of days objectively with critical eyes, are questioning the Corporate News and the Pro-Israel Alternative News narrative as to how this attack by Hamas terrorists could have happened in the first place, given the fact that Israel has, by far, the most powerful military and intelligence forces in the Middle East, if not in the entire world. Did the forces behind Benjamin Netanyahu actually work with Hamas terrorists to pull off this false flag attack for a greater purpose? Netanyahu has publicly stated that this attack is Israel's "Pearl Harbor" moment. Pearl Harbor was a false flag attack by the Japanese on American forces in Hawaii that was known ahead of time by President Roosevelt back in 1941. Roosevelt needed the support of the American public to enter World War II and unleash