That the men carried out their activities illegally; they did not have documents confirming the legality of the sale of such items. An investigation into this fact is being carried out at the Central Police department, and the actions of those involved will be given a legal assessment. Since the beginning of the year , more than six hundred units of unregistered weapons and about 72,000 ammunition have been withdrawn from circulation in belarus. The ministry of internal affairs will share the figures on the turnover of firearms. It is known that due to the violations identified, more than a thousand weapons had to be confiscated. With registration. Operation the arsenal will be held until friday inclusive. The police remind you that when you hand over illegal Dangerous Items voluntarily, their owner is released from liability. The children found half a thousand rounds of ammunition in the pike when they came to fish at a local pond. The ammunition was in a large plastic container. They
Altitude Group plc (LON:ALT – Get Free Report)’s share price passed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 33.23 ($0.42) and traded as high as GBX 41 ($0.52). Altitude Group shares last traded at GBX 41 ($0.52), with a volume of 123,608 shares […]