in latin america, we improve a lot. say for example chill she as kruptd as germany. there is no kupgs. other countries, maybe mexico, maybe venezuela, even maybe my country argentina, it is still a problem. we are working. government is trying to do certain thing to avoid that, but it s a problem to normal people like her, hike the police, like i was listening to cnn domestic. one of your analysts was saying, it happened to me, i was in mexico. i was crossing alt a red light, police stop me and ask for a bribe. it doesn t happen as much as in the past. but it s a reality. it is nothing that happens in the usa. police never respond to a bryant. the other thing, mrs. maldonado said they chose to ride the bus in mexico, because she thought it was safer. we reached out to the state department this morning. there are warnings on the state department website, never,