what the president has to say is, you cannot preach division 365 days a year. you can t spoke people s animus towards the other, you can t vilify people coming to the country as murderers and rapists and then on the day tragedy strikes, sound a different note. it just rings hollow. that to me is the problem. it s not what he said yesterday, it s what he says every other day. it s i want to get to that in a second, but let me drill down on the armed guards part of this. i heard from a friend of mine saturday, who was at a bar mitzvha who texted me in the middle of this, saying that lapd came in, and the synagogue has armed guards regularly any way. this is not the blame the victims, but are we not in a world now where synagogues,
jewish star was a sheriff s star. except it came out of an anti-semitic website. they are trolling around looking for these images. you know what, many people would see that and they wouldn t understand it, but if you re in that alt right world, you know exactly where that came from. listen, i understand your point. i will tell you at that point in time vance covino said he did it. we can go back and pull the print from it, but he owed up to it, it wasn t some grand conspiracy and he admitted to it. is he still in the white house? yes, he is. so you re accusing him of being anti-semitic in. yes, i am.
antisemitic trope. you think those who attack soros are being anti-semitic? i do. there s a reason he s being singled out. he s a major donor of the democratic party, he s not the only donor. he s not being singled out because of his height or eye color. he s being singled out because he s a symbol. and for those who are in the world of white nationalism, he s a profound symbol of the jewish conspiracy, the well-funded jew ish kabial of bankers and others that are polluting the purity of the american blood stream. congressman, thank you for being here. it could have been so much worse. a suspect arrested for mailing at least 14 bombs. tom stire will be here next. and president trump condemns hate and anti-semitism. how long will the president
shootings, you never think it could happen here in our neighborhoods until it does. what message do you have for the rest of america and the rest of the world watching right now, when we don t know where something like this could happen again. yeah, let me just explain it this way. i represented this area and worked in the community for 19 years before i was the mayor. i lived five blocks from where i m standing right now. three blocks from here is where fred rogeris lived. this is literally mr. rogers neighborhood. when you think about the hate that is out there, and you think about the ability for irrational behavior to be empowered to do something like this, we really have to think about whether or not what we need are more guns to allow irrational behavior to continue, or whether we need rational laws to make sure that it ends.
congressman. i m sorry, i look back at the campaign of 2016, a number of times, i don t know who it is, a number of times we saw very strong evidence that somebody in that campaign was swimming in the alt-right world. when that picture came up of hillary clinton on top of the jewish star let s put that up so people know what was talking about. it was a tweet that the president sent out, and that meme was taken from an anti-semitic website. exactly. there it is. on the left is the trump tweet, and it s about goldman sachs and money, and it s a jewish star. and then they redid it with a circle. then the initial explanation was that the jewish star was a sheriff s star. except it came out of an