bucket dirtbag was sentenced to four years in jail. that s one year for everyll follicle. the reasonic for stealing three hundred grand from star, stripper the next mrs.th kilmeae stormy daniels. i m kidding that relationship would never work well with her. book out selling kilbey three to one . but yeah abenaki stolele three hundred grand from stormi wonder if it was all in one tooa easyt he went to some lawyers for comment a hedgehog centipede apparently part of his sentence will be served concurrently which means done at the same time at hopefully stormi gave him advice on how to do that same time they callig that airtight. thank you kennedy. but that s how you know you reer astley s when you have to serve a sentence while you re already serving a sentence if you remember and i don t because i snorted too much relief factor. avnery is currently serving two and a half years for trying to extort millions of dollars from sportswear giant nikeom whent overnight he was heardth
i could buy him a gym pass or a bypass. but the point here is not to dance and abernathy s misfortunes, although it se pretty fun and he d likely do it to us given the chanceto. i m just reminding everyone how the media operates. they ll accept any vile creatureo to their midst if the creature simply matches their assumptions. it s why harvey weinstein was a predator for so long. he supported the right politics the media embrace of an idea because he danced to the tune they wanted to play. it washe d all but they dove headfirst into it with bells on . butrm it s alsoy hard to be sympathetic to stormy daniels. i mean, if he was paid one hundred thirtypa grand in hush money too keep quiet about an alleged affair she had with trump, why ha didn t she hush? that s the golden rule ofro work. it s notit s just for the but s the shut up when you re done unless you talk dirty afterwards. but that really seems backward on the line. why did i not acknowledge the audience knew better than