San Diego County and Cal Fire are offering free sandbags to those in unincorporated areas in preparation for potentially heavy rains, which are expected to start Monday night and last through Tuesday
With potentially heavy rains expected around the county this weekend and early next week, the County of San Diego and CAL FIRE are offering free sandbags to residents who live in the unincorporated areas.
Weather forecasters say we’re in for a dramatic shift in weather starting this weekend, with cold temperatures and potentially heavy rains expected in two separate storms.
As they have in the past, the County and CAL FIRE are providing free bags and/or sand at numerous fire stations for people who live in the unincorporated areas.
Rain can cause flooding and erosion, particularly in areas that aren’t covered by plants, landscaping, grass and trees. Rain runoff can sweep topsoil, mud, plant material and debris off land and downstream where it can damage homes, clog culverts and storm drains, and flood and damage roadways.
They will have testing at three separate locations on from Wednesday, January 6, through Friday, January 8. Author: Zach Leff Updated: 8:15 PM CST January 5, 2021
PRESIDIO COUNTY, Texas Presidio County is set to host free COVID-19 mobile testing over a three day period starting January 6 and ending January 8.
First, on January 6, the Alpine Fire Station will hold their testing from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on 102 South Second Street.
Next, on January 7, the Marfa Visitors Center will be holding their testing from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on 302 Highland Street.
And lastly, On January 8, the Fort Davis Fire Station will be holding their testing from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on 200 Court Ave.