They are hugging, she touched him. Yes. How soon should unwed parents, kind of thing these days think about getting married. When should they tie the knot. A new study suggest is it should happen before the childs third birthday. Study suggested getting married in three years will create the strongest one, that is because those years are considered the magic moments. Parent are more receptive to marriage before their childs third birthday. 64 percent got married after having kids born on it of wed lock. Black mothers tight the with then when their child was older than three. More than half of the marriage, ended in divorce. Study suggest if parents get married before the threeyear mark they will more likely to stay, together. Okay. Okay. Something about that age. She has two kids. Two kids. A twoyear old and a one yearold. Yes. Did she read that study. She got in there at the last second. That is interesting, okay, i can see that. The kids memories will be of their parents being marrie