U.S. stocks traded higher this morning, with the Dow Jones index gaining more than 100 points on Thursday. Following the market opening Thursday, the Dow traded up 0.34% to 39,259.15 while the NASDAQ rose 0.85% to 16,411.43. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.67% to 5,246.15.
U.S. stocks traded higher midway through trading, with the Nasdaq Composite gaining more than 150 points on Thursday. The Dow traded up 0.49% to 39,319.03 while the NASDAQ rose 1% to 16,4340. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.75% to 5,250.72.
Allurion Technologies' Virtual Care Suite (VCS) is now available to license in the United States for providers offering GLP-1 and other anti-obesity medication therapy, bariatric surgery, and weight loss devices. The company describes the VCS as a weight-loss management suite powered by artificial intelligence (AI) featuring remote patient monitoring, telehealth and care team collaboration.
U.S. stocks turned lower toward the end of trading, with the Dow Jones index falling more than 200 points on Thursday. The Dow traded down 0.59% to 38,894.58 while the NASDAQ fell 0.10% to 16,261.88. The S&P 500 also fell, dropping, 0.28% to 5,197.03.