The state's top GOP leaders said Wednesday that Secretary Bellows made the wrong decision based on her own personal feelings, calling her 'unfit' for her role as Secretary of State.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) criticized the Maine secretary of state’s decision to remove former President Trump from the Maine primary ballot Thursday, arguing that thoughts on the Jan. 6 Capitol riots should be between the voter and the ballot box. “Maine voters should decide who wins the election — not a Secretary of State chosen…
Voters across the country will weigh in on several key issues, including abortion, state primaries and school board elections, through a slew of ballot measures next year. Abortion rights supporters are looking to enshrine abortion protections into state constitutions in Arizona, Florida and Missouri, among others. Voters in Idaho, Colorado and Montana could decide on ballot measures that would…
There are many ways to deny demagogic, anti-democratic Donald John Trump a second presidential term, which is an American imperative. When Trump was running for a first term in 2016, this newspaper ran the longest editorial in its history urging his defeat. When he was running for reelection in 2020, we outlined 99 reasons he had to be beaten. Fortunately, that time he was, and soundly so. .
Trump's rivals for the Republican presidential nomination want to beat him fair and square in a primary, and do not agree with him being knocked off the ballot by judges in Colorado.