No one thought infant Jenysa Murray was still alive.Something similar had happened to two children last year, and both events ended in tragedy.Five-year-old Jenysa slipped into a river behind her
A heart wrenching situation played out overnight in and around a river in south Trinidad, where a five-year-old girl is suspected to have fallen into shortly before nightfall on Friday.
DR RAMCHAND RAMPERSAD THE RATTING fireworks that ushered in the year 2023 have long faded and perhaps so, too, have our New Year’s resolutions. A new year it is for certain, but not necessarily a new beginning. I too reflected, trying to dissect the past year to determine what were the good and not-so-good outcomes.
We are at the end of 2022. What will 2023 bring us?The recent past has worn us down, making us more apprehensive about the future. The pervasive uncertainty drains our optimism, making us more gua
At least 56 families are suffering as the year comes to an end owing to the disappearances of their loved ones. Statistics from the police said they received 552 reports of missing people for the year, as of December 28. This worrying trend continues to attract the attention of police, interest groups, relatives, and others