A Sonoma Valley couple is training future service dogs. Allison Ash and Marc Schwager raise puppies for the first eight weeks of their lives before handing them
It has been a year since Chula Vista mother of three May "Maya" Millete was last seen by friends and family, launching an investigation into her whereabouts.
wasn t trained on how not to sexually harass women, so the city is to blame. allison ash of kgtv explains. his behavior made me feel ashamed, frightened and violated. the lawsuit filed by irenn jackson is the subject. in it, berger says, had the city provided mandatory sexual harassment training, she may have never brought her lawsuit. the training for the city canceled and never rescheduled such training and because of that, taxpayers should pay his legal fees. taxpayers come first and we should not be on the hook for the mayor s behavior. scott sherman says he took his sexual harassment training online within the six-month