The Florida woman stole the alligator from a local tourist attraction. Click to read more. A Florida woman stole a baby alligator to use it for a birthday photoshoot of a lifetime, but only to leave it afterward at a nearby hotel, according to local reports.
Authorities killed a 13-foot alligator that has human remains on mouth. Read more here. A 13-foot alligator that had human remains in its mouth was put to death by authorities after it was discovered in a Florida canal on Friday.
The Pennsylvania town of Kiskiminetas is typically alligator-free. Click to read more. Alligators have been invading a Pennsylvania town for the past several months, according to local reports.
There was a nearby pond behind the Florida bar. Click to read more. A Florida man got his arm amputated after a giant alligator attacked him outside a Florida bar during the weekend, according to reports.