the president is not well at all mentally. i think he s an extreme narcissist. he has been denied what he wants, his wall, and he is having a hissy fit. he is out of control and he will not take no for an answer from congress. and he s going do this. he is going to insist on doing it. he is going to tear the country apart. it s unconstitutional. it s illegal. he is going to do enormous damage to the republican party which is going to split right down the middle over this, and we really need to keep in mind that this is because the president is not well. this is a man who believes vladimir putin rather than his own intelligence sources. he is not capable of doing the job. he does need to be removed under the 25th amendment, but he stocked his cabinet with people who are unwilling to do that,
he was attacked regularly by our president and his allies as the russia investigation intensified. the president had him fired 26 hours before he would have retired with full pension. and today the president was at it again, lashing out at a career fbi man. quote, wow, so many lies by now disgraced acting fbi director andrew mccabe. he was fired for lying, and now his story gets even more deranged. he and rod rosenstein, who was hired by jeff sessions, another beauty, look like they were planning a very illegal act and got caught. the president goes on to say there is a lot of explaining to do to the millions of people who had just elected a president who they really like and who has done a great job for them with the military, vet, economy, and so much more. this was the illegal and treasonous insurance policy in full action. trump s allies flaitfully answer answered faithfully answered the call and have been speaking out on his behalf.
the u.s. government and got up every morning and read the reports from our intelligence community. they are there to inform the leaders, the decision-makingers. they re not partisan. and yet he does this time and time again. it s shocking. now to your harder question, who did he do it? i don t know the answer to that. you know, that s partly why i think we need mr. mueller s investigation to come to a conclusion. but it is remarkable and unprecedented in u.s. history. ambassador mike mcfaul, thank you, as always for coming on our broadcast and taking our questions here tonight, especially after this eventful weekend in the news business. coming up, as promised, as predicted, the reaction to the president s wall emergency declaration appears to be not so fast. that story when we come back. it s pretty clear that the president is trying to usurp migraine with botox®.