Wednesday came and went without a rumored invasion of Ukraine, but Russia still hasn't delivered on its promise to begin withdrawing thousands of troops and cool the simmering crisis along the two countries' border, U.S. officials said.
KYIV, Ukraine — American and European officials cast doubt Wednesday on Russia’s claims that it was withdrawing troops from the Ukrainian border in an apparent attempt to defuse tensions that
To read Part One, please click here. The Belarus-Russia Union State Military Doctrine (Voyennaya Doktrina Soyuznogo Gosudarstva), signed on November 4, 2021, and released prior to the two countries’ joint military exercise Soyuznaya Reshimost (Allied Resolve) 2022, is notably interlinked with those maneuvers, running from February 10 to 20. Indeed, key elements in the doctrine end up shedding light on …