Star Health stock rose 2.86 per cent intraday to Rs 619.85 against the previous close of Rs 602.60 on BSE. The stock forms part of late investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala's portfolio
Godrej Properties’ Q2 profit may jump 302 per cent to Rs 143.50 crore from Rs 35.70 crore in the year-ago quarter, led by higher other income and contribution from JVs, said a brokerage
Nifty futures on the Singapore Exchange quoted 44 points, or 0.24 per cent, higher at 18,391.50. The level suggests further gains over Nifty's Monday's closing
Tech Mahindra board had announced dividend on November 1. The special dividend will be paid on December 1. Tata Motors, Star Health, Godrej Properties, GIC, Piramal Enterprises will announce Q2 results today