Harmful kids sugar and how should i enjoy food without any for. Good shape in 60 minutes on d w. Coming. From the adventures of the famous naturalist and explorer. To celebrate clicks on the from box 250. Remarking on the for you to discovery. Expedition homeboys on dont. You never stand up for your what of course we step up for europe just seem to live in a Parallel Universe you know like the old well lets not be silly please the North Atlantic Treaty Organization nato has just had its 70th birthday but it wasnt a happy one constant carping by donald trump about Defense Spending has caused bitter resentment here in europe i guess this week here at Nato Headquarters is Rose Gottemoeller the organizations deputy Secretary General will she now
acknowledge that nato has serious splits in its unity. Rose gottemoeller welcome to conflicts and we thank you great to be here your boss young stoltenberg reminded the world recently that nato his mission was to provide credible to terence and def
Rose gottemoeller welcome to conflicts and we thank you great to be here your boss c. N. N. Stoltenberg reminded the world recently that nato his mission was to provide credible to terence and defense the fact is that terence is no longer credible and hasnt been for a long time he said so why do you say that weve said were not in the midst of war when i say that because just 5 months ago Americas National Defense Strategy commission painted a pretty dismal picture of the us his ability to protect both itself and its allies the security and well being of the us it said are a greater risk today that at any time in decades americas superiority has a road it to a dangerous degree in its ability to defend its allies its partners and its own vital interests is increasingly in doubt thats thats dismal this and that there are many different fields of how deterrence and defense are conducted today and i think for nato the emphasis truly has to be on what we now call the hybrid challenges that a