The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown business operations across the state for a loop. It has also exacerbated long standing inequality. Both have come to a
Credit Casey McDermott / NHPR
As New Hampshire continues to loosen nearly all public health restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic, one sector remains on alert. Many long-term care facilities across the state have kept up limits on residents and visitors in recent weeks, even as vaccination rates rise and COVID-19 cases have fallen sharply in those settings. NHPR s health and equity reporter Alli Fam spoke with All Things Considered host Peter Biello about the tension within long-term care facilities.
Peter Biello: So what s been going on this week?
Alli Fam: This week s been kind of confusing, especially when it comes to guidelines for long-term care facilities. Last Monday, the state came out with some updated guidance for these facilities, an in-depth 16-page document. It outlined different phases of reopening. A lot of these were based on metrics like county case rates that dictated guidelines on things like trips outside the facility that aren t medically necessary
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YOU CAN TAKE IT TO THE BANK Members of Congress filed their campaign finance reports for the first quarter of the year yesterday, providing us with a peek into their bank accounts.