are so many peoplesoe that left the labor force during covid t that haven t gone back in that youha don t count as unemployed unless you re looking for a job. and so the numbers o people there, the percentage of americans that actually have jobs is way below where it was before crtv it hasn t recovered at all and that s why there are these what they call supplyve chain disruptions because we don t have enough workers to get people to stuff. ev well,in kevin , i will take isse with you on that because if that was a case, real wages would be going up real wages, median wages and income are not going up not to meet inflation. so if you believe in supplyes and demand, wages should be up. i know a lot of a lot of your fancy friends want to keep, wages low. we like wages going up as they were during our wages. okay. allhe right. well, but they are declining sharply. you re right. they are declining sharply right now. real wages. i just got my economics degree via kevin hassett. kevin , i k