several thousand people have gathered in toronto to protest the g-20 meeting that begins today. kevin tibbles is live in toronto at allen gardens park and i understand, kevin, things are starting to heat up there? reporter: just over my shoulder, chris, as you can see, several thousand demonstrators gathered here earlier and they have just taken off essentially marching through the streets of toronto. the good news for the organizers of the g-8 and the g-20 essentially is that these marchers are not going to be marching down towards the fenced in area where all the world leaders are going to be housed. also over my shoulder, as you can probably see, is a very large police presence that has gathered here. of course most of these officers, most of these officers are here on bikes, but what they have been doing here at allen gardens is as the protesters enter the park, they have been stopping a number of people, they have been going through people s bags to make sure there are no weapon