A study out of the University of Massachusetts Amherst found, surprisingly researchers said, counties with higher explicit bias against older adults had lower mortality.
A study out of the University of Massachusetts Amherst found, surprisingly researchers said, counties with higher explicit bias against older adults had lower mortality.
Ditching remote: Dozens of Amherst-area families make other school choices
First grader Sebastian Sienkewicz of Pelham plays with twirlies with Learn at Morse Hill science teacher Rosa Whelpley during a period of free play for kindergartners and first and second graders at the outdoor school in Shutesbury on Dec. 3. STAFF PHOTO/KEVIN GUTTING
Second-grader Jasper Hoxie-Golding, left, and first-grader Sebastian Sienkewicz listen to Learn at Morse Hill Director Corinne Shaw read from Chapter 5 of “The Hobbit” during the after-lunch community read at the outdoor school in Shutesbury on Thursday. STAFF PHOTO/KEVIN GUTTING
Olive Barber of Pelham picks up her son, Sebastian Sienkewicz, after his day attending Learn at Morse Hill in Shutesbury on Dec. 3. STAFF PHOTO/KEVIN GUTTING