This is the moment that four-year-old Cleo Smith was found alive inside a locked house by detectives, 18 days after she went missing from a campsite in Western Australia (left).
Incredible bodycam footage shows the moment missing Cleo Smith was rescued by Western Australian Police and carried out of a locked home she was trapped in for three weeks.
Carrie Bickmore broke down crying live on TV speaking about the moment police found Cleo Smith alive and safe - as the local pastor says the now-infamous Blowholes campsite is tainted .
Most of the nation had likely dismissed any chance four-year-old Cleo Smith would be returned to her family but enough of those who believe in miracles never gave up hope.
The missing four-year-old was found at 12.45am on Wednesday alone in a bedroom in a locked rundown house in the Carnarvon suburb of Brockman in Western Australia .