Ahead of Dussehra, the Mumbai Police conducted an 'All Out Operation' on the intervening night of Thursday and Friday, wherein they carried out combing operations at 229 locations, checked tabs on 1,035 record criminals, and took action in line with the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, 1985 in 136 incidents.
All Out Operation: 39 wanted accused held, contraband and arms seized
Mirror Online / Updated: Feb 15, 2021, 07:45 IST
contraband and arms as they conducted a 3-hour drive to enforce the law.
Police personnel from all 93 police stations in the metropolis were deployed on the streets.
During the drive, cops also imposed penalties on vehicles.
The cops booked 88 people under the NDPS Act, and 37 were held with illegal arms. RPF officials said the video appears to have been filmed between Dadar and Kurla and they are looking for the man. 31 were held for drunk driving. We took action against 71 people who were conducting illegal activities in 42 of the 951 lodges, hotels, and such establishments we searched during the operation, the official said.
Updated Jan 24, 2021 | 18:45 IST
Mumbai Police arrested 52 wanted criminals during a city-wide anti-crime drive held between late Saturday night and Sunday morning. Mumbai Police’s ‘Operation All-Out’ sees 349 arrests, NDPS Act cases and fines [Representative image]  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
Key Highlights
As many as 66 people were booked in cases under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.
Nakabandis were organised at 101 locations, and 8,597 vehicles were checked.
More than 735 hotels and lodges were checked.
Mumbai: The Mumbai Police, in order to keep a check on criminal activities in the city, undertook ‘Operation All-Out’ on the intervening night of January 23-24. Under the initiative, raids, combing exercises, nakabandis, road checks and searches were carried out across the city, resulting in the arrest of 349 offenders including 52 ‘wanted’ criminals.