commission with this assumption of the commission? do you think the commission is right in recommending huge tax cuts for the richest people, the highest tax rate should go from 23 percent under the bush tax cuts to 29 percent on the richest people? for the deficit reduction commission to recommend a reduction of taxes on the rich people, as a first proposal is wrong. do you agree with the deficit reduction commission? neil: you are not try dog cover for the president saying this debt has piled up, you are in the trying to remove that issue from the table. guest: absolutely not. i disagree that he is responsible for that. but that is a separate discussion. neil: what do you mean it would cheapen the debate? guest: it cheapens the debate to focus only own one set of preliminaries by saying we will have, because that was the request of the four senators this should be a separate debate, one debate out of four, only on the proposal of this commission. when you set up one debate, what
land. that would be good news and it would not strengthen. but if it goes to the west we have a better chance for it to strengthen, right there at tampa, right in the bay, any kind of storm surge there moves all of that water into the tampa bay area and that potential you have a dangerous situation. which is a model that we like and it does right that, brings it across the western coast. the latest run of another model we like, brings this. further toward the gulf of mexico and we could be talking about a new orleans storm on wednesday or thursday. neil: thank you, buddy. now to roanoke, virginia, paul ryan going back to where it started when the president said this. if you have a business, you didn t build that. the president makes these comments that reveals his philosophy of government. in front the fire station here in roanoke, when he did say, if you have a small business, you
them. they set up enron style corporations, the states do, and fund the independent contractors and force unionization. ten states have done it. neil: how do you come up with a figure 20 million? guest: we have a memo sent by the union head to the transition team saying well have 21 million workers in health care. they want did unionize them all they may in the get them all but they have, now, less than 10 percent 1.5. every union worker that unionized is $1 billion in dues so they can use to elect more politicians to do their bidding. neil: i think this comes back to me, and i am thinking could my doctor go out on strike when id need him? guest: absolutely. neil: what would lead to
by setting up one whole debate, old on this, in effect, you are prejudging the debate. neil: it would be among the issues, right? guest: that was not the proposal we objected to. the proposal was set up one debate on the simpson-bowles recommendations. neil: to be clear, congressman, you are okay with them raising some of the recommendations from the debt commission in the debate? guest: absolutely. what we objected to was biasing the debate by setting up one debate only in the recommendations and putting the two candidates and saying . neil: that was not the plan? guest: that is what the four senators recommended and we said not to do that. neil: congressman, thank you. we will send your best to donald trump. he co-chaired the president s debt commission, so what does simpson think of what the congressman said? we will find out at 8:00 on fox
funds it, anyone who gets government funds can be unionized. that is what the states proved, they can set up the corporations to funnel the money through. neil: so the private insurance companies, what happens to them? guest: they go by the wayside. slowly. and you have a single-payer and everyone can be unionized. that is the trojan horse. in 22 states right new to be employed in the government jobs you have to pay the union or they throw you out. 22 states you cannot keep a job. neil: by you do not have to be a union to get government money? guest: no, that is not an edict. neil: so there is precedent without it not happening. guest: but there is more precedent where it does. this is the growth area for unions taking tons of money, they are getting $14 billion a year we can track, $14 billion a