cnn should cover, but kellyanne, i think that helping the president has not given a terribly full-throated announcement that he believes that russia interfered. he says, they may have. it may have been china. alisyn, so we re just asking, having the same conversation through six different semantic differences. that s fine. it s your show. you can ask me what you want. i will remind you as politely as i can that this entire conversation was irrelevant to voters in the four special ewlekzs. everybody tried hard as they could to make it something other than job creation, byzantine regulations unleashing of entrepreneurships including i was one over 20 years get to 15% to 20% tax bracket. that will be monumentally transformative in our country s
i think that if there are people who want to make a name for themselves and increase their speaking fees asking the same question 50 different times and never asking about job creation, never asking how we re tackling the odoid crisis what we re doing for veterans and military families and job seekers and creators that s what you re worried about? i m not worries about anything with respect to that because this is a very busy, very accessible press shop. all day long members of cnn and others ask not parts of press and com but i support their efforts. they are asked to provide information to update information, and you have very hard working men and women in this press shop doing that all day long. understood. we re used to it being on camera. all things don t need to be on camera to be useful for the public and to be useful to our press corps. alisyn, why? you ll get the same information. i find the richest points of are the entire press briefings that
we appreciate it. thank you. joining us now, we want to get to the counselor to president trump, kellyanne conway. good morning, kellyanne. good morning, alisyn. thanks for being with us. this is a busy day. my pleasure. as it always is. lots of breaking news. i want to ask you about adam s reporting just shared from the washington post, this goes the furthest we ve seen to connecting president putin of russia to actually giving the directive to interfere in the u.s. election, and to try to hurt hillary clinton. what s the white house s response to this? well, the president has said previously and we ve got confirmation now from jeh johnson from adam schiff, jim coats, jim comey, admiral rogers, no evidence of collusion and this doesn t have an impact on the end result. it s important to show no nexus has been proving between what russia or any other foreign government tried to do and the actual election result.
i understand. i appreciate the points but i know you re on a, a time, a tight time constraint. i want to get to the next topic. that is the tapes. the audiotapes that the president admitted yesterday didn t exist. why did the president 42 days ago suggest that there might be audiotapes of his conversations with james comey? so the president made clear in this two tweets yesterday and in an interview aired early this morning alisyn on fox news that he doesn t have tapes. didn t make tapes, but why did he suggest 42 days ago he did? he left open the possibility they may exist. so much surveillance and leaking going on, conversations he had early on in his administration with heads of state that were leaked by, who knows. i guess intelligence officials but we don t know for sure and should be concerned. in the white house having a one-on-one conversation with somebody that somebody might be taping that in the white house, he thinks? left from the possibility based upon his o
economy. this is important and what people want to focus on. yesterday the senate releasd their health care legislation. i m glad you re bringing that up. let s talk about that. move on to health care. you re right. that affects every person in america and they re very interested in this. during the campaign, the president elect 1said he would not touch health care. it says it actually would cut $800 billion from medicare. how does the president explain that change? what he s doing with medicaid, what the senate bill is doing with medicaid as i read it, giving more flexibility to governors and the states have a choice. they can go for block grants or the current situation. that s a choice they make based on what they know of their population in their state. sure. what about his promise? no work requirement can be forced, alisyn, under medicaid on the elderly, on pregnant, on the poor, on the