Punk Rock Farmer Friday with Aldine, KRCL's Punk Rock Farmer, and Lara, featuring more true tales from the agrihood with Sego Lily Farm, the 1st annual Utah Flower Farm Conference, City Cast SLC trip to Tagge's Famous Fruit and Vegetable.
commissioner garcia: is this just for the be a reconsideration of what is before us? it could be either one. you can take no additional evidence, or if you want to accept additional evidence on particular topics, you could do that at your discretion. commissioner hwang: i think additional evidence would help me, and that is why i made the motion to reopen, to allow evidence to be submitted to the board. president peterson: i think that is fair. i think a full record in this case is warranted. commissioner garcia: one thing i would be interested in, assuming that we and a continuing and we get new evidence, all would be very interested in that part of the code that addresses removing fixtures, and also, the permit holder stipulated that they removed that, and i do not clearly remember that they did that. i want to be able to find where they actually did that, some evidence that they did or did not do that. commissioner fung: commissioners, then i think we need to reopen the
i find that it does. commissioner garcia: in paragraph 5, it seems there is a case being billed for work done without a permit, and then somehow, it becomes therefore the permit was issued. error was issued in error, and it is not a valid permit, and i do not follow that logic. if someone does work before a permit, then they should be cited and fined, but i do not know what bearing that would have on a permit that is issued and decide retrospectively that it was illegal because some work had been done. i do not get that connection. i do not see where that is valid. they should be required to get a permit, which a permit ultimately does to legalize the work that they had done. i m not trying to build a case before them a case for them, but i am point about problems with that language, and i also a lot of problems with number four. i do not know the affected had on anyone s decision, and i certainly would not be the person to suggest that. and if someone is interested, i wi
is that a reasonable interpretation? commissioner fung: yes. so, commissioners, if that is the direction we are going, then i would like to move to continue this, madam director. you want to vote on that first? commissioner hwang: i did make a motion. are we on a different page here? the idea is to continue the matter. commissioner hwang: i want is to use the right terminology. commissioner fung: when? commissioners, the next time we will have a full board is january 19. the calendar is already full, but if you want to add to it, you can, and then the next meeting after that we will have a full board is february 9. commissioner garcia: i would rather stay here late on the 19th then further prejudice the permit holder, and i think mr. kornfield wants to. we have elections. could i look at the ritz in submittals rather than going to the oral testimony to consider whether permits would be required, or did you actually want me to go through the testimony? commissioner fun