class= nosel noCC > 01104&q=charlie >Charlie 9, Rick Stevenson 3, Dr. Brandon Whitehead 3, Lella 3, God 2, Nelly 2, Mozart 2, American 2, Massimo 2, Cooper Hewitt 2, Massimo Vignelli 2, Columbia University 1, Interior Design Hall Of Fame 1, Vignelli Canon 1, National Lifetime Achievement Award 1, Museum Of Modern Art 1, Japan 1, American Institute Of Architects 1, New York City 1, Lovers 1 Network PBS Duration 01:00:00 Scanned in San Francisco, CA, USA Language Chinese Source Comcast Cable Tuner Channel 107 (693 MHz) Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 528 Pixel height