sciencee and technhnology associciation. the alilias he u uses is chu wei. but it s the persoson who o works forr the miministry off state sesecurity. repororter: ge officicials discocovered thenengegen ear hadad takeken the repeport to china, m material s so sesensitive y you need a a license to t take it out of the country.. execututives summomoned ththe inen a and ear too a memeeting att ge headququarters. he e eventuallyy met with the ge secururity indidividuals a and they then s stepped outut of ththe room andnd the fbi came in. > reporter:r: the engineer a agreed to coopererate with the fbi who usedd him to o commununicate witith xu. one o of the t things he s sent to t the ge engineerer was a shopping l list of things he was looking for. so this is the actual ask. he s asking for the typess of softwtware prograrams they rere usining. r reporter: r ready to move in, the f fbi had ththe engineeeer setupup a meetining with x xu in brusussels. that s whehere xu wasas