case is about. laura: well a blatantly false a blatantly false statement. here s the onl y thingin ifn lawyers need to know about this case.ft if after the twenterytion twenty election, donald trump had announced that he was retiring from politics,indict alvin would not have indicted him.ed or let s say if after 2020, trump had gradually evolved ind his views and maybe became more like romney or one of the bushes in that case,ve ind alvin bragg would not haveic indicted him. the real reason that donald trump was bookedngerprin and fingerprinted today comes down to one simple fact. wrong he has the wrongs political views. now to the entire class of politicians and media figures who cheered the proceedings today. donaldding trump represents an existential threat, a threat to the regim thee that s run our country into the ground fort decades, a threat to the credibilit tibility y the mediae calls out relentlessly. but most significant of all,um another trump term is a threata
history. the foundershi, as you know, wee quite partisan and , you know,e the federalists went after the democrats with the alienistens addition act and thn jefferson turned the tables on him. so it makes absolutely no sense. it s kind of akin to dana basht. ,spirit of the law statement.d but david makes a really good id point. it is not i don ont know t kno r or not this judge is is biasedtf or not. he seeme hd to giso out of his y to to show that he didn t wante to issue a gag order. but i know that the appearance, the appearance of proprietisy is very, ver iy important.e shot and every judge should think about this whe n he or sher decides whether they should stay on the case. th case. well, david , one thing struck me as potentiallyng t concerning tonight, and everyone knows i alway, ans speak my mind on these legal issues.. and i thought trump speech was d really very strong in tone