Ancient Aliens Live consisted of five members of the show cast including one of its creators and Producers, Ancient Aliens Theorist Georgio Tsoukalos; Researcher, Author, world traveler, Ancient Aliens Investigator, David Childress; Author and Researcher William Henry; Former UFO Investigator for the UK Ministry of Defense, Nick Pope; and Astrophysicist and Aerospace Engineer, a real rocket scientist, Dr. Travis Taylor.
Ancient Aliens Live consisted of five members of the show cast including one of its creators and Producers, Ancient Aliens Theorist Georgio Tsoukalos; Researcher, Author, world traveler, Ancient Aliens Investigator, David Childress; Author and Researcher William Henry; Former UFO Investigator for the UK Ministry of Defense, Nick Pope; and Astrophysicist and Aerospace Engineer, a real rocket scientist, Dr. Travis Taylor.
Ancient Aliens Live consisted of five members of the show cast including one of its creators and Producers, Ancient Aliens Theorist Georgio Tsoukalos; Researcher, Author, world traveler, Ancient Aliens Investigator, David Childress; Author and Researcher William Henry; Former UFO Investigator for the UK Ministry of Defense, Nick Pope; and Astrophysicist and Aerospace Engineer, a real rocket scientist, Dr. Travis Taylor.