In the past few years, Tony Pencinovsky has written or edited several books which serve to highlight the experiences of communists and the Communist Party.
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Alphaeus Hunton: A life devoted to equality, liberation, and internationalism February 26, 2021 2:42 PM CDT By Tony Pecinovsky
Alphaeus Hunton, second from left in the foreground, along with Petitioners Julian Mayfield, Alice Windom, W.A. Jeanpierre, and Maya Angelou Make, deliver a petition to the U.S. Embassy in Accra, Ghana, in 1963. | New York Public Library
In a November 1950 article in Paul Robeson’s newspaper
Freedom, the scholar-activist Alphaeus Hunton noted that “the most reactionary minority of the American people,” the U.S. ruling class, “has advanced from its role of silent partner of the Western European imperialist powers.” No longer “content with arming and financing their wars against the colonial revolutionaries,” the ruling