Did you read the classic Golden Books, such as The Color Kittens or The Fuzzy Duckling? Did you look at Tony the Tiger on a box of Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes? Then you’ll love the new art book about the Provensens, an amazing pair of illustrators.
Marcus provides an enlightening introduction to a lavish collection of illustrations from the long and distinguished career of Alice and Martin Provensen. Pictures from twenty-four of their books (including those Alice Provensen created independently after her husband’s death) are arranged chronologically, with several illustrations representing each title.
Here are collected (and reissued from the 1971 original) twelve literary fairy tales from several different European traditions, including Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Nightingale”; Barbara Leonie Picard’s “The Three Wishes”; Seumas MacManus’s “Feather o’ My Wing.”