Whether you’ve already taken down your Christmas tree, or whether you’re the type of person to leave it up till March, don’t let go of your holiday spirit just yet! There’s plenty still in store for upcoming New Year’s celebrations! Join your neighbors this Thursday for a potluck and night of Bingo, or head on down to Mariner Park on New Year’s Eve for Homer’s annual crowdfunded fireworks display. Take part in making ice lanterns ahead of a magical display put on by the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge in January, or look ahead to other events and presentations coming up after the new year! For details, check out these Best Bets.
Virgin Australia Pride Flight is back for the fourth consecutive year, with more than 500 tickets currently available to purchase across three main Virgin Australia flights departing Melbourne and Brisbane to Sydney, ahead of the country’s largest annual gay and lesbian celebration.
The Virgin Australia Pride Flight is back for a fourth consecutive year, with more than 500 seats now available to be booked across three key Virgin Australia flights departing Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide to Sydney, ahead the country’s largest annual gay and lesbian celebration.