now on bbc news our world. yalda hakim travels to afghanistan to investigate the disappearance of policewoman alia azizi. she meets activists and protestors, asking the taliban why they are not doing more. alia azizi, a policewoman in herat, has completely disappeared. she s gone missing. what do you know about that case?
mistakes that we have learned from to stop education of women and girls. that is not our goal. of course, education is their right, and it is much needed. and when they receive education, of course they have a right to work. how has that promise turned out? that evening, i met a group of women who used to hold positions of power in the former government. but since losing theirjobs, they ve shifted their attention to investigating various cases of missing women like alia azizi.
even if daesh has taken this person or it s a criminal gang, how worrying is it for you, though, that this would happen under your watch? yes. it is our obligation to carry out investigation. yes, we will. we have done this and we will do this. and i will reach out with the authorities, what is the result of the investigation. he has come up with yet another theory about what s happened to alia azizi. so, we heard from those in the prison in herat that it could be criminal gangs. the spokesperson for the minister of interior says she s chosen to go underground because she has some information about the taliban. and now, another theory, that it could potentially be isis or daesh. and i m not sure that he s telling us this with any kind of real
rahmatullah had little choice but to rely on the taliban leaders to investigate and find his mother. to find out more, back in kabul, i arranged a meeting at the ministry of interior, which is responsible for enforcing the law and fighting crime within afghanistan. for the last nine months, alia azizi, a policewoman in herat, has completely disappeared. she s gone missing. can you tell me what you know about this case?
understanding of the case, but just casually giving us another theory. it seems like they would rather people stop asking questions about her than actually investigate and find out what s happened to alia azizi. this is afghanistan, one year into taliban rule. ayearago, women s lives were radically transformed overnight. they ve been driven out of work, into their homes, afraid to even step onto the street alone. women like alia disappear, and the authorities don t seem to be the least bit concerned. if the taliban want us to believe that this time, their rule will be different, they ll need to provide actions to meet their words.