Looking Back on May 1
100 Years Ago: 1921
The Bates Needle club met yesterday afternoon at Rand Hall with Mrs. Belle Shaffier and Miss Sarah Nickerson as hostesses, The routine of business took place and refreshments were served during the afternoon, The next meeting will be held with Mrs. George M. Chase of Frye Street, Lewiston.
50 Years Ago: 1971
Mrs. Alfred Wright Jr. will present a program of piano music when members of the Bates Needle Club meet May 3 at the Women’s Union on Frye Street, Lewiston. Mrs. August Buschmann and Mrs. Lloyd Lux are chairmen of hostesses and they will be assisted by Mrs. Robert Berkelman and Mrs. Margaret N. Taylor. Husbands of the members are invited to attend. The election of new officers will highlight the business meeting.