my name is brian mulroney and i am representing richard schumacher. he got a notice at 1570 hate street and there is no such building. basically, we ve had a guy tagging our building for six months. we paint it almost on a daily basis. i have a guy who comes in every morning and cleans up the mess from the night before. i put a note for the sky two weeks ago that if he did any more of it, he would find a baseball bat upside his head. so we have not seen it since. you should go after the people perpetrating this not the people who of the building. some people think it s an art form or whatever. it s vandalism and they should be prosecuted for it. thank you very much. good afternoon. i m the owner of 275 haight street. i got a notice and after i got the notice for graffiti, i do removed within a short time. i still got charged $250. i don t know why. i write this supervisor to remove that for me. and then to more. the second one is 301 20th avenue in san francisco. what we
when they tagged these things on my house, ask them not to put this on my home because it tells sees that i m not home. then they attempt to break into my house. i have bars all lawyer around is like a prison. then they send me the letters. sometimes they want me to keep it off every 30 days. i have to go to santa barbara. i was diagnosed with an aneurysm and going in june. every six months, they take an mri to see what these to be done about it. i have a june appointment to go to stanford and i have arthritis and what i go up there, i get dizzy and cannot climb or do any of that anymore. financially, it s a strain on me as well. president chiu: next speaker. where do i find out about the resolution. president chiu: you can speak to the jungle and from dpw. staff will speak to you after the hearing. next speaker. we have a building at 929 geneva. we are getting these notices consistently and i have complied with them each and every time. i m assuming the tax money we are
we have extra paint on hand and where there monday through friday making sure it is clean. thank you. president chiu: next speaker. good afternoon. i represent the owner of 1524 mission street located at mission and geneva. we have also received a notice. we paid on that one on april 1st, 2011 and we got one for the same building, 5128, the same address. we paid the building every month it seems like an now, members in the community have made it known to our painters that the symbol there should not be removed or there will be retaliation against the painters. it s getting tougher and tougher to get rid of this. we have been working with the police department. officer mccarthy to try to solve this problem. we keep getting $250 fines over and over and unless we want to hire someone 24 hours to stand out there and painted, i don t know how to come to terms with this issue. it s frustrating. this happens all over the city and i think the bureaucracy is outrageous. thank you. p