this mosque. that is according to one report and could be anecdotal, but i m just saying. well, alexin ingalex, as i u it, it is meant to be a broader community center and interfaith center and opportunity frankly for people to come and learn more about the muslim faith and to understand that, you know, that faith encompasses so much more than what it has been characterized as. well, joe, listen to that, and if you look at this, it is not merely a mosque to invite traditional muslims to worship, because this will have with it a swimming pool, a cultural arts center, a place where you can learn about painting and cooking and different things. it will be open to anyone in the community. but, alex, nine years after the fact it does not take away the pain and the fact that innocent people lost their lives on that site. if they want to do it in some other part of new york or maybe another borough or brooklyn or queens or staten island or maybe in the bronx, it would not be the uproar