know. ., ., ., know. he again complained to uben know. he again complained to uber- he know. he again complained to uber. he received know. he again complained to uber. he received another - uber. he received another message more than a year later. this time it was apology. it was written by uber, black and white. they recognised that the artificial intelligence made a mistake in our case. 50 it is a single mistake madejust single mistake made just against single mistake madejust against alexandru, or maybe, maybe the artificial intelligence failed to make the judgement correctly in his case, maybe failed in a few other cases. it case, maybe failed in a few other cases. other cases. it turns out alexandru other cases. it turns out alexandru wasn t - other cases. it turns out alexandru wasn t the . other cases. it turns out i alexandru wasn t the only other cases. it turns out - alexandru wasn t the only one. in april, uber and another taxi company were taken to court in the neth
Vadim Ghirda & Andreea Alexandru RESCA, ROMANIA (AP) – The clatter of shields and battle cries filled the misty air as warriors lifted their swords. Nearby, gladiators fought each other for their lives. A festival that featured historic re-enactments brought the ancient Roman era back to life this month near a sleepy village in southern […]
Joi, 16 Septembrie 2021 - Ultima ora: Arhiepiscopia Sucevei si Radautilor, Sectorul Cultural al Centrului Eparhial Suceava, organizeaza, cu binecuvantarea Inaltpreasfintitului Parinte Calinic, Arhiepiscop al Sucevei si Radautilor, joi, 23 septembrie, de la ora 9:30, Simpozionul International online Dostoievski si filonul crestin de creatie.