iowa versus alexander joseph fazzino, we, the jury, find the defendant not guilty. not guilty. the words alex and his family had been waiting to hear. even his veteran defense attorneys couldn t hold it together. i held off crying until bill started crying. he started it and that s what sent me over the edge. and one never cries if you think your client is guilty. you don t. god bless you. on the other side of the courtroom, emily s family and friends could barely move. with the verdict, the divide between these two families became complete. celebration across the aisle became too much for emily s mother to take. shut up! i went in shock. alls i can remember is people jumping up and down like
with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! try phillips colon health. by this time, the love that had once joined the beckwith and fazzino families was long gone. in an iowa courtroom, both families had listened for a week. alex fazzino murdered emily fazzino. as prosecutors painted alex fazzino as a monster who brutally killed his wife in a fit of rage. i ve got to ask you this straight out. did you play any role in killing your wife? physically, no.
that s what they were saying. and not just a murderer. emily s sister ammie told investigators alex was also a mobster. did you say that approximate skpael skpaelks his family are in a mafia, in organized crime, and that women who try to divorce their way out of the fazzino family wind up dead? that was information that emily had told me. ammie doesn t realize that of my mom s six siblings and my dad s one sibling, there have been 11 divorces. those people all still alive? they re not all still alive, but none of them were killed. but they weren t murdered. right. so the fazzinos are not some hooked up organized crime family. no, and i resent her saying that. alex insisted the allegations were ludicrous, and that s also what investigators determined. did you pick up in your investigation any indication that the fazzino family is involved in organized crime?
jury. in the afternoon, alex got a phone call the jury had reached a decision. when they called me and said the jury s in, i could barely breathe. emily s family and friends rushed to the courthouse. prosecutors were confident. did the best that we could in putting on the evidence that we had. and hopefully the jury would see it our way, and convict him. the defense attorneys were confident as well. we had the facts, we had the experts. but you never know. but you never know. good luck, honey. love you. both sides couldn t be any more raw or more on edge. alex was facing life in prison. and finally, after four long years is this the verdict that each and every one of the members of the jury here it was. in the matter of the state of iowa versus alexander joseph fazzino, we, the jury, find the defendant not guilty.
did you sigh that alex and his family are in the mafia, in organized crime, and that women who try to divorce their way out of the fazzino family wind up dead? that was information that emily had told me. amy doesn t realize that of my mom s six siblings and my dad s one sibling, there have been 11 divorces. those people all still alive? they re not all still alive, but none of them were killed. but they weren t murdered. right. so the fazzinos are not some hooked up organized crime family. no, and i resent her saying that. alex insisted the allegations were ludicrous, and that s also what investigators determined. did you pick up in your investigation any indication that the fazzino family is involved in organized crime? no. you didn t find any evidence that that was true? no. or that that played any role in emily s death at all? no. to get away from all the