From the state flag of the Russian Federation guards of honor bring the state flag of the Russian Federation to red square 78 years ago, in the spring of 1945, the capital of fascist germany, the city of berlin, fell under the blows of the red army during the battles for the city center, military personnel of the 150th idrid rifle division, Mikhail Yegorov and Meliton Kantaria , hoisted an assault flag on the dome of the reichstag, which became for all time the banner of victory over defeated fascism. Today the flag of the Russian Federation and the banner of victory in the hands of the best servicemen of the 154th separate commentary preobrazhensky regiment, sergeants Anton Mikhailov and dmitry monastaryov, lead banner groups senior lieutenants gennadiy zvonov and aleksey today, in the stands, together with veterans of the great patriotic war who liberated ukraine from fascist invaders, their grandchildren and greatgrandchildren are selflessly fighting against the followers of the naz
From the beginning of the existence of the USSR, propaganda was an important tool to spread communist ideology and the principles of collectivism. This was done through iconic posters, paintings, films and other works of art. Soviet propaganda was more than just a political instrument – this unique artform left behind a Soviet cultural legacy.